
I've Moved!

In the essence of changes, seasons, and all things adulting, please head over to my new and improved site, found at: Same articles, same pictures, new feel, and new articles coming soon! Agape, Amber

Maybe It's Okay

Maybe It’s Okay Before I graduated from Ohio Christian University, I was given the privilege to work for both the Writing Center and Media Team.   During one of my Media Team shifts, I had the unique opportunity to interview 2018 graduates of the Adult Graduate studies program, in which I got to meet a wonderful woman who had not only survived human trafficking but now gone on to make a name for herself.   After the interview, I had tears in my eyes at the vulnerability and truth of her story.   Immediately following, I went home, wrote with passion, and sent the report to my team.   What I got back in an email, however, left a taste as bitter as spoiled milk in my mouth something to the extent of: “I really wish we could publish something like this, but it’s too real and raw. We have to maintain the standards of the college professionally and only present the best information that upholds that integrity.” And nothing against my college (because I love i...

What I Learned Playing Hide and Seek

Catch my newest Blog featured on "No Small Life" at the link below. So blessed and honored to be given the opportunity to write for this wonderful couple. I hope you enjoy "What I Learned Playing Hide and Seek".

Good Friday: A Story of Hope

Good Friday: A Story of Hope Dear God,   I sit here on Good Friday thinking about how your people must have felt watching you get crucified. Did they care? Did they cry? Were they part of the crowd mocking and beating you?   Throwing slander like their last name and screaming the bloody murder of yours .   Yet, instead of betrayal, shame or anger, you simply looked down from the cross and said, " Father forgive them, for they know now what they are doing," and my heart is compelled to thank you for this gift.   That instead of giving us the punishment we deserved, you gave us the love you so righteously lived, and we so undeservingly and selfishly took.   Ironically, Father, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. this morning from a bad dream that my Dad tried to stab me with a kitchen knife, and now that I think about it, that would’ve been the time you were praying to your Father, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” and in a sense, a knife was driven into yo...

You Can't Wish Away A Season

You Can't Wish Away A Season   A few weeks ago, I was at worship practice when one of my co-leaders emptied her heart in caring-sharing time, and I felt compelled to do the same.   Through authentic tears and a heartfelt, heavy spirit, she wept into the comfort of her boyfriend's arms, sobbing, "You Can't Wish Away A Season."   And ever since she stated that simple remark, I haven't been able to shake the goosebumps I feel inside when I think about that phrase.   As a Christian, I have been taught to live and breathe the motto of Philippians 4:12-13.   "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:12-13, NIV)".   That rather my life is all sunshine and rainbows or rainclouds before the storm, Christ has to be eno...