Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass (Copyright Belongs To Photographer: Rachel Barnitz) Admit it. We've all been there. We've all done it. You get up in the morning and immediately think, "Wow am I looking attractive this morning or what?" Sarcasm kicks in and I'm sure that was probably very far from what you were actually thinking. In fact, if you are like me, or the majority of 18 almost 19 something teenagers into young adults, you don't wake up thinking you are hot stuff. Crawling out of bed after hitting the 6:15 a.m. snooze button a few times, you make your way to the bathroom to see what kind of creature has appeared this morning. Now let's see, my hair looks like a bird decided to have its babies and make a nest on top, while my face has an imprint where I accidentally slept on my arm. The perfection of my skin is close to zero, while you know I've always wished my teeth could be whiter after years of braces. The list of...