
Showing posts from July, 2018


#RelationshipGoals Why do I try to compare love to what I know is a fake imitation? Perhaps it’s because society has misconstrued love for infatuation. It has replaced what the Bible says about relationships with perceptions of Instagram filters, #relationshipgoals, and seemingly perfect dates. That if we don’t feel the butterflies, have the Hallmark version of our prince riding in on a white horse, or present a boyfriend/girlfriend mentality that could be found in the inner pages of Cosmo then we’ve done something wrong. That we begin to question why our love is different, why it hasn’t happened yet, why it doesn’t appear like everyone else’s, why it isn’t like the movies. I remember when I used to dream what being in a relationship would be like. How doing the cute things everyone posts on social media would make me feel. What it would be like to finally change my status on Facebook from “single” to “in a relationship” and how everyone would react. The feelings I would get t