Hands and Feet of Jesus
Hands and Feet of Jesus (Photo Credits Belong to Photographer: Amber Ginter, 2018). As previously mentioned in earlier blogs, during the month of May, I was given the opportunity to serve High School students at a Young Life Camp called Malibu, located in the inner depths and seclusion of British Columbia, Canada. Although I learned much from this camp including understanding the heart of Just Jesus, something that was also revealed to me was what it meant to truly serve with the authentic, raw, vulnerable, and difficult hands and feet of Jesus. When we think about Jesus, for instance, and His service to the world, what are you reminded of? Him serving the masses with five loaves of bread and two fishes? Him healing the blind, sick, and bleeding? Him crying out to His Father to take away the cup but still abiding to His Will at all costs? Him spitting in the mud and rubbing dirt in a man’s eyes to give him sight? ...