The Nice Girl With Good Intentions

The nice girl with good intentions (Photo Credits Belong To Photographer: Rachel Barnitz). Ever since I was a very little girl, I have had an extreme passion for loving on and serving others, and regardless of what other people thought I always did this out of the honest sincerity in my heart to show them the love of Jesus through these actions. In the world we live today; however, people can pick and prod at these good intentions. They can scrutinize what you are doing, and eventually, eat at that beautiful heart of yours, making you feel nothing less than the love you were so desperately trying to give other people. Likewise, being the "nice" girl isn't always easy; trust me. It can be difficult to face day after day with a huge smile, bright eyes, and glittering compliments for others when no one is willing to return the favor. Now with that statement, don't get me wrong. I don't do good things by expecting something in return. In fact, if I did...