What Picking Pumpkins From a Pumpkin Patch taught me About Love

What Picking Pumpkins From a Pumpkin Patch taught me About Love ( I may or not be trying to consume the baby gourd that looks like a pumpkin) Over the past few months, I ’ ve been struggling quite a bit with understanding myself and learning to value that I see myself as more than the girl I used to be. That just because my old friends knew me as the OCD/Plannerized-insane being, that doesn ’ t mean that my new friends have to see me that way, nor do I have to choose to see myself in that old and stealthy dimmed light. Transforming into the funny girl with lots of smiles and laughs though hasn ’ t been all rainbows and sunshine. And although yes, this is my authentic character that had gotten hidden underneath the layers of self-hate, comparison, stress, and a slew of negative experiences, that doesn ’ t mean that the process has been 100% easy to live with. Loving myself, and learning how to love others correctly, for instance, is something I still str...