Typical Single Christian White Girl Selfie " I'm going to end up alone. With cats. Lots of cats. I don't even like cats?" " What is wrong with me? Do I smell or something? Well, not today at least... I checked" "# foreveralonejustkiddingsingler eadytomingle" " I get the amount of attention that a white crayon does. Yeah that one’s sure looking up." " Mom, is something wrong with me?" " I'm hopeless. I'm never going to find love." " If only.... Then I'd be in a relationship" " Jesus had the perfect relation..... Oh wait a minute...." Yeah let that one sink in a little. Jesus never had the perfect relationship. In fact, as far as I am aware he never dated anyone. He never married. He never felt that intimate connection that you and I have when you really think he or she is "the one". Yet he never complained. Or ever said, “Mom, is something wrong w...