A Year of Gold: 2016: The good, the bad, the blessed, and the unfortunate

(Photo Credits Belong to Photographer: Amber Nicole Ginter feat Buddy)

The year of 2016 has been quite an adventurous and strange resolution for this old-fashioned soul of mine. I have experienced some of the worst things that I could never imagine possible, but considering those turmoil’s, I have also treasured some of the most loving and life-changing events God could ever bless me with. It has been a year of self-discovery, love, loss, and bravery, but also denial, questioning, confusion, and fear. Yet as the old saying goes, "Good times become good memories, and bad times become good lessons" meaning that everything we go through in this sometimes hectic and chaotic world, is for a reason much greater than we may comprehend at the time.

Beginning with the start of the year, for instance, 2016 didn't have the most eloquent and desired kickoff. In fact, I was probably the most bitter and angry that I had ever been in my life, and in all honesty, the charisma of my Christianity at this time was less than inspiring. But, slowly, painfully, and unwillingly, God began to transform me and the acidic cynic I had unknowingly become, into a young woman that understood the peace of the unknown, and the calling God was placing upon her life.

Breaking my foot, being in a car accident, experiencing friendship loss, and getting diagnosed with vasovagal syndrome that led to an ever so pleasant trip to the ER were among just some of the unfavorable events to forecast into my weathering of views. Yet amidst each of these unpleasant and terrible events, came lessons and joys that could not be experienced without the latter. Making the competition dance team at my dance studio, reaching out of my comfort zone, finally finding new and true friends in college I could trust, and finding the me of happiness and laughter that had gotten hidden underneath the pressure of heat during the transformation to gold, are among just a few of the victories. But I say these things not to brag, or cause you to think "wow, good for you Amber, but my life still sucks" because I KNOW what those periods of drought and famine feel like. I UNDERSTAND how it can seem like 2016, the month of December, or even the week of finals are the end of the world, and the worst things that could ever possibly happen to you. But I also know that when we experience these times of confusion, heartache, and loss, it is in the inner depths of our hearts that God is using these things to mold us into the gold under the fire that we were always meant to become.

For breaking my foot and not being able to dance or workout from December 2015-April 2016 revealed to me the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and the honor and ability it is just to walk, and run, and play. It showed me that just because I could not participate in a huge part of my life for five months, that I could learn to invest my time in other treasures and talents that God had given me.

Being in a car accident and becoming terrified to drive in the May of 2016 for a period after, revealed to me that life is a precious thing, and can be taken away at any moment. It showed me that this life we live is truly temporary, and that even in something as simple as driving safely, our days can become numbered and our hours to live made short.

Likewise, dealing with the heartbreak of yet another facade of people pleasers instead of honest and sincere individuals, instilled in me the ability to see my own worth rather than the value of what others thought of me. It demonstrated just how easily we can slip into the deception of "feel good memes" and "going nowhere talks" that only leave us feeling more empty inside. That until we realize that the desires we crave in our hearts can only be satisfied by the Creator who formed them, we will always be looking to mere men to fulfill these things. For once we realize that He (God) is the only one who can truly encompass these needs, our lives will start to become less about who we long to love, and more about who we love to live for.

Similarly, almost passing out in my home and turning the shade of blue that the oompa-loopa embodies, only to end up in the ER with a simple "vasovagal" diagnosis because I'm just "too healthy" (which the Doctor's said is a good problem to have lol) revealed to me again the measures by which we should be thankful for our temporary lives. Indeed, although these negative things that happened to me seemed life altering and detrimental at the time, I slowly began to understand that with an undesirable situation, comes the birth of a beautiful breakthrough. Like a worthless metal rock being transformed under the pressure of heat into a very high priced and valued gold, God often uses the uncomfortable, unfavorable, and most unpleasant situations, to turn our bad into good, and our unfortunate into blessed.

Making the competition dance team at my studio for instance, would not have happened without the strength and joy of overcoming a serious injury. Learning to step out of my comfort zone and finally making new friends that I could trust in college would not have happened without the hurts and heartbreaks of others along the way. Finding the me of happiness and laughter that had gotten hidden underneath of the pressures of stress, confusion, and doubt showed this daughter of God who she really is, that was far different than how she had been acting for a while.

Because in all sincerity, I must be honest with you. These times of losing and finding myself were just part of the journey. These times of hurting my foot, and facing a terrifying car accident, were even a part of God's plan. And though they were absolutely, 100%, without a shadow a doubt, terrifying, painful, and scary, they revealed to me the results of a metal pressured under heat, that when endured, could become a beautiful, gold, and valued prize.

For the year of 2016 may have been bad, good, blessed, and even unfortunate at times, but in reflection of its series of events I would choose to learn the lessons all over again. Not necessarily eager to experience the bad times of trouble that I did, but to learn with God that everything happens for a reason. Let the bad be transformed into good, and the unfortunate into the blessed.

Endure the pressure and be molded into something more beautiful than you could ever imagine, for you never know what kind of gold God is shaping you into this year. Let 2017 be your year of persevering through the pressures. You might just turn out to be gold on the other side.

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