Depression. (Photo Credit Belongs to Photographer: Amber Nicole Ginter, and Artist Kasandra Dalton) It hits like a tidal wave sweeping over your head. It comes out of nowhere so like a girl lost out at sea little do people see you are drowning beneath the bobbing of your frantically swimming limbs. And that as much as you try, and push, and dive, and squirm, your exhausted body just can’t seem to stand against the tides rolling over you. Like a ragdoll you grow limp. A wet noodle in the pool that has lost all fight against the child holding onto it so tightly, you remain stagnant. For as the thoughts, or maybe lack of thoughts that fill your mind grow restless, you wonder if this tunnel of darkness will ever lead to the light on the other side. At least that’s how depression has been for me the past few days, and to be honest, I don’t really understand why. College is on break although I do have a few classes over the s...