I am Complete in You

  If I am being completely honest with you, as in no sugar and spice and everything nice sprinkled on top to cover the vulnerabilities, I wish that I could tell you it gets better.  That someday, you will wake up with sunshine streaming in on your cheeks, a heart expanding with more love than you’ve ever felt, and the giggles that just won’t stop rolling until you fall off your bed and knock that noggin of yours on the floor.  But if I were to tell you those things, I wouldn’t be portraying the candor, because in all sincerity it won’t ever be like that.  It won’t be like a switch that magically turns on to illuminate the darkness, or a shift in character that happens overnight.  Nor will it be something that you are able to fully control or gain superiority over, and as much as that pains me to admit, know that though it may not necessarily get better, our God who loves us eternally will remain the same.

  So, what exactly am I referring to you might be pondering?  Well, probably what you think, or in this matter of the fact, don’t think.  I am talking about whatever this applies to in your life at this very given moment.  Rather that be depression, loneliness, feeling like no one will ever like you, having a lack of relationships, friendships, and so on and so forth, I cannot tell you that it gets better, because I myself have no control over those fabrics of your life. 

  However, what I can tell you is that you are complete, and whole, and beautiful, and adored, and loved in Him.  That even when you are so sad you don’t think you will be able to live another day, His love washes over you.  That when you are so sick and tired of being alone, throwing pity parties of isolation, He sits there in the stillness, comforting your weary soul.  That when you complain for the thousandth time that you’ll end up forever alone with 100 cats (and you don’t even like cats) because you’ve still never been on a date, been asked out, or had someone express even more interest in you than a never used white crayon, He sees your future and will graciously lavish His love upon you that has to be enough to satisfy those cravings in your soul (a personal favorite).  And why?

  Because you, and I, and everyone else hurting in this world are complete in Him alone.  We are made pure, innocent, holy, loved, adored, treasured, and valued in the eyes of a God whose value of us should weigh so much greater than any human scales society tries to place us on.  That as much as this world tries to tell us otherwise, we can rest assured that in our stillness, confusion, and heartbreak, He knows what He is doing, and has nothing but good plans in store.
“And because you belong to Christ you are complete, having everything you need. Christ is ruler over every other power and authority” (Colossians 2:10, ERV).

  As I lie awake in bed at night, pondering these things about my life, it is difficult to not stress about the matter.  Even harder is it to not let the salty tears run down my cheeks and fall onto the open pages of my Bible as I suffocate in the muteness of stillness that so often fills the air.  Yet, as I begin to realize that I am His and He is mine, and that I fully belong to Him who makes me complete, I let those tears fall like flood gates as they empty me of myself, and fill me with more of Him.  I am complete in you oh Lord, YOU are complete in Him; let this be our prayer. 

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